Since 2012, the Graduate Program in Agroecology at the Federal University of Viçosa (PPG Agroecologia – UFV), Viçosa Campus, annually promotes the Graduate Symposium on Agroecology (SIMPA). Being an academic-scientific event, SIMPA offers presentations, roundtable discussions and mini-courses related to Agroecology. This event presents as a scientific space relevant in the scope of Agroecology and in 2019 completed its eighth event (VIII SIMPA). SIMPA covers issues related to family farming, microorganisms, agroecological management in agriculture and livestock production, pesticides, non-conventional plants, food and nutrition security, among other subjects, totaling 82 lectures from 2012 to 2019. In this period 215 expanded abstracts were published in annals and registered under ISSN 2447-7133, which are available on the event website for download. The organizing committee consists of the Coordinating Committee, graduate students and alumni of the Graduate Program in Agroecology of UFV.

 The objectives of this event have a varied scope, such as:

  1. To stimulate the exchange of knowledge, scientific production, and dissemination of research results developed by professors and students of the Graduate Program in Agroecology of UFV and other institutions involving various areas of knowledge related to agroecology.
  2. To provide training in research with an agroecological focus to undergraduate and graduate students.
  3. To gather professionals from diverse research, teaching and extension institutions with the purpose of discussing relevant topics related to sustainable agriculture.
  4. To offer the public multidisciplinary approaches related to the management of agroecosystems, production processes and the agri-food system.
  5. To promote dialogue on themes regarding agroecological research with a focus on exchanging experiences and the opportunity to think of strategies that serve as a basis for work and projects in this field.

In this sense, SIMPA contributes to the integration of researchers of diverse Brazilian institutions that work in agriculture and agri-food systems with an agroecological focus,  aiming to build and strengthen partnerships in research and in stricto sensu graduate education. 

To access the lecture history: click here. 

Winners of de the bests jobs the VIII SIMPA

1º Title: Immunological alterations and indirect exposure to pesticides in rural women, Authors: : Fabiana Aparecida de Matos Calixto, Sílvia Oliveira Lopes,Sophia Sol Garcia Fernandino, Elizangela da Silva Miguel, Silvia Eloiza Priore.

2º Title: Tropical agroforests to mitigate climate change with soil carbon correction, Authors: Cássio Marques Moquedace dos Santos, Sherellyn Daphnee Alves Moretti, Wagner Junior Silva, Franciele Santos de Oliveira, Adriano Reis Prazeres Mascarenhas, Emanuel Maia

3º Title: Effect of pepper-rosemary essential oil (Lippia sidoides) on whitefly (Bemisia tabaci), Authors: Wiviane Fonseca Ribeiro, Fernanda Pereira Andrade, Rodrigo Soares Ramos, Maira Christina Marques Fonseca, Madelaine Venzon

With the content of the lectures offered in the years 2012 to 2019, it was released in the ebook that can be accessed free of charge by anyone interested. For download click here:

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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agroecologia

Edifício Sylvio S. Brandão – 2º andar – Campus Universitário

CEP: 36570-900 – Viçosa – MG


Tel: (31) 3612-4448

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